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Bavarian Center for Battery Technology (BayBatt)

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Due to the interdisciplinary orientation of BayBatt, the members come from four different faculties and cover all areas of battery research and the entire value chain of batteries:


​*Prof. Dr. Harald Oberhofer, Theoretical Physics VII Hide
Harald Oberhofer

The Chair for Theoretical Physics VII focuses on computer- and data-based investigations of charge carrier transport in different materials, such as battery components and photo-electrocatalysts and (metal-) organic semiconductors. Basic processes are simulated using ab-initio methods. The data generated are analysed using statistical and machine learning methods to derive general structure/function relationships.


​Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal, Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry IIHide
Seema Agarwal

The group of Prof. Seema Agarwal at the Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry II has expertise in polymer synthesis, the production and structuring of composites and processing methods. At BayBatt, separators based on high-temperature polymers are developed to achieve thermal and mechanical stability as well as good wettability. The ionic conductivity of the separator is achieved by using lithium ion conducting additives.

​*Prof. Dr. Matteo Bianchini, Chair of Inorganic Active Materials for Electrochemical Energy StorageHide
Prof. Dr. Matteo Bianchini

The Chair of Inorganic Active Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage focuses on improving the current generation of Li-ion batteries and developing next-generation technologies such as Na-ion or solid-state batteries through the design, synthesis and characterisation of novel electrode materials. Electrode materials are the "heart" of energy storage devices and determine their performance. Improved cathode and anode materials are the key to more powerful and longer-lasting batteries.

​​*Prof. Dr. Josef Breu, Chair of Inorganic Colloids for Electrochemical Energy StorageHide
Josef Breu

At the Chair of Inorganic Colloids for Electrochemical Energy Storage the focus is on the hierarchical structuring of solid-state materials. The proven expertise in the synthesis and structuring of novel materials on the nm to µm scale provides access to innovative, high-capacity and safe active materials on the cathode side.​

*Prof. Dr. André Gröschel, Chair of Polymer Materials for Electrochemical StorageHide
André Gröschel

The Chair of Polymer Materials for Electrochemical Storage develops polymer components for metal ion and metal batteries. We put special emphasis on the development of solid polymer electrolytes, binders with enhanced mechanical properties, and the structuring of electrode materials (both inorganic and organic). Polymers play an important role in battery design as they can enhance safety, reduce weight, and alleviate recycling.

*Prof. Dr. Johannes Margraf, Chair of Physical Chemistry V - Theory and Machine LearningHide
Johannes Margraf

The Chair of Physical Chemistry V - Theory and Machine Learning deals with the theoretical modeling of functional energy materials as used in (photo)catalysis, batteries, and organic solar cells. To this end, we use atomistic simulations and machine learning. The aim of these investigations is to gain a mechanistic understanding of the function of these materials and to design new materials.

​​Prof. Dr. Roland Marschall, Chair of Physical Chemistry III – Sustainable Energy MaterialsHide
Roland Marschall

The Chair of Physical Chemistry III – Sustainable Energy Materials combines inorganic synthesis methods with thorough physicochemical characterisation. Within the framework of BayBatt, new active materials are developed and structured with regard to optimal wetting behaviour. In addition, detailed electrochemical and spectroscopic investigations are carried out on material developments by cooperation partners.

​Prof. Dr. Georg Papastavrou, Physical Chemistry IIHide
Georg Papastavrou

The Chair of Physical Chemistry II specialises in the investigation of interfaces. In particular, it has been working on scanning probe methods in combination with electrochemical techniques, among others. These analytical methods are to be applied to electrode materials for the first time within BayBatt.

​Prof. Dr. Markus Retsch, Chair of Physical Chemistry IHide
Markus Retsch

The Chair of Physical Chemistry I is an expert in the modelling of heat transport and its analysis, including laser flash analysis, lock-in thermography and photo-acoustic methods. The focus is on heat transport in colloidal materials and thin films. At BayBatt, operando analyses and real-time methods are developed on the basis of these activities, which serve to describe the internal current and future cell state and thus allow a sensor-supported, model-based self-assessment of the battery system.

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Senker, Chair of ​Inorganic Chemistry IIIHide
Jürgen Senker

The Chair of inorganic Chemistry III studies nanoporous functional materials and their use for electrolyte-host systems in electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices. By combining solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and diffusometry with diffraction, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and quantum mechanical modelling, we probe – in- and ex-situ - confinement effects of the matrix on the mobility and the transport of the electrolyte components. This allows to design highly efficient and safe separator materials.

​Prof. Dr. Mukundan Thelakkat, Applied Functional PolymersHide
Mukundan Thelakkat

The group of Prof. Mukundan Thelakkat at the Chair Macromolecular Chemistry I  has got many years of experience in the field of customised synthesis of functional polymers for various applications in electrical and electronic components. As part of BayBatt, novel ion-conducting polymers are being designed and their suitability as solid electrolytes evaluated.

​*Prof. Dr. Nella Vargas-Barbosa, Chair of ElectrochemistryHide
Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa

The Chair of Electrochemistry aims for a fundamental understanding of interfaces relevant for energy conversion and storage by leveraging the complementarity of time-domain and frequency-domain methods. We are especially interested in deploying electrochemical impedance spectroscopy as a method for fast-screening of transport and performance properties like ionic conductivity and electrocatalytic activity. 

*N.N., Chair of Operando-Analytics for electrochemical Energy StorageHide

This chair will be established with funds from the Hightech Agenda of the Free State of Bavaria.


​Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mark-Matthias Bakran, Chair of MechatronicsHide
Mark-Matthias Bakran

The focus of the Chair of Mechatronics is electrical energy conversion with power electronics, including investigations ranging from semiconductors to systems. The research area thus represents the link between the battery and the consumer or producer.

*Prof. Dr. Francesco Ciucci, Chair of Electrode Design for Electrochemical Energy SystemsHide
Francesco Ciucci

The Chair of Electrode Design for Electrochemical Energy Systems focuses on material development, cell expansion, and diagnostics, emphasizing solid-state and quasi-solid-state technologies. Central research areas include the development of innovative materials and devices using first-principle and continuum-level modelling.

​*Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Danzer, Chair of Electrical Energy SystemsHide

The research area of the Chair of Electrical Energy Systems is the systems engineering analysis of electrical and electrochemical energy storage systems and converters. Research activities include the analysis and modelling of lithium-ion batteries.

​Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Döpper, Chair Manufacturing and Remanufacturing TechnologyHide
Frank Döpper

The Chair Manufacturing and Remanufacturing Technology works in close cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises in the research fields of future and sustainability technologies such as additive manufacturing/3D printing, artificial intelligence, digitalisation of production, machining and remanufacturing. Within BayBatt the focus is on the fundamentals of remanufacturing battery storage systems.

​Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Gerdes, Keylab Glass TechnologyHide
Thorsten Gerdes

The Keylab Glass Technology combines fundamental research with application-oriented development. One focus is on glass melting and processing technology for functional glasses that enable new applications in batteries. Research activities at BayBatt are glass-based separators that increase the safety of batteries in extreme situations and slow down cell ageing due to the chemical composition of the glasses. The separators are tested for different applications together with industrial partners under conditions close to the application in lithium-ion batteries.

​Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Helbig, Chair of Ecological Resource TechnologyHide
Christoph Helbig

The Chair of Ecological Resource Technology deals with the modelling, simulation and assessment of global material cycles of metals and mineral raw materials. The methodological focus is on material flow analyses, life cycle assessments and raw material criticality evaluations. Particularly relevant for BayBatt are questions about the availability of raw materials for cathode and anode materials and the future development of recycling potentials.

*Prof. Dr. Christopher Künneth, Junior Professorship for ​Computational Materials ScienceHide
Christopher Künneth

The field of polymer battery informatics uses data-driven methods for polymer battery research. Machine learning models are trained on data from experiments, computations, literature, and using synergetic strategies of experiments and computations for designing polymer electrodes or electrolytes but also for holistically devising entire battery systems, including electrodes, electrolytes, binders, conductive materials, and shapes. Polymer battery informatics also deals with data-driven battery management tasks such as lifetime forecasts, charge and discharge optimizations, or state of health and temperature monitoring. ​ 

​*Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vincent Lorentz, Chair of Electronics for Electrical Energy StorageHide
Vincent Lorentz

The Chair of Electronics for Electrical Energy Storage, as part of the BayBatt, works together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB) in Erlangen on solutions for the electronic monitoring and control of electrical energy storage systems such as batteries, supercaps and fuel cells, which are used in mobile and stationary applications. The embedded foxBMS® battery management system platform, which emerged from an initiative of the Fraunhofer IISB in 2015 and is being further developed at BayBatt, enables the research and validation of safer, more robust and more reliable system architectures for intelligent energy storage systems.

​Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Moos, Chair of Functional MaterialsHide
Ralf Moos

The Chair of Functional Materials works on new materials and technologies for energy conversion, among other things. The focus is on novel battery concepts, materials and their processing, which form the basis for the development of innovative battery storage within BayBatt.

*Prof. Dr. Vedran Perić, Chair for Intelligent Energy ManagementHide
Vedran Peric

The Chair for Intelligent Energy Management focuses on the future of multi-energy systems, employing cutting-edge technologies such as digital twins, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence and quantum computing to optimize energy grids operation and to promote adaption of renewable energy source, where battery technology will play a crucial role as one of the main sources of flexibility needed to compensate the intermittent and uncertain nature of renewable energy sources.

​*Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fridolin Röder, Junior Professorship of Methods for Battery ManagementHide
Fridolin Röder

The research area fo the Junior Professorship for Battery Management Methodes is the model-based development of operating strategies and methods of condition diagnosis for battery management systems.

​Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christina Roth, Chair of Electrochemical Process EngineeringHide
Christina Roth

At the Chair of Electrochemical Process Engineering, processes and materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage are researched. The focus is on the development of spectroscopic methods for the in-operando characterisation of energy materials as well as processes for the controlled 3D structuring of porous electrodes, e.g. using the electrospinning process. Current work is concerned with the production and characterisation of carbon materials and porous electrodes for lithium ion and redox flow batteries, among others.

​*Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Philipp Schmidt, Chair of Systems Engineering for Electrical Energy StorageHide
Jan Philipp Schmidt

The Chair of Systems Engineering for Electrical Energy Storage focuses on the optimal design and layout of battery storage systems from the cell upwards. Key performance indicators such as power and energy density as well as system properties such as safety and reliability are only created through the interaction of the subsystems cell, mechanical design, thermal management, electronics and software. Due to its integrative character, the chair at BayBatt represents the bridge from the components to the application of the battery system.

Business & Information Systems Engineering

​*Prof. Dr. Marie-Louise Arlt, Junior Professorship of Information Systems ResearchHide
Marie-Louise Arlt

The Lab of Information Systems Research, in particular on Connected Energy Storage (ISRenergy) designs and evaluates economic incentives for the operations of and investment in storage and flexible loads for electricity markets and mobility. We leverage tools of optimization, simulation, and empirical economic research.

Prof. Dr. Jens Strüker, Professor for Business & Information Systems Engineering and Digital Energy ManagementHide
Jens Strüker

The Professorship for Business and Information Systems Engineering and Digital Energy Management researches the potential of digital technologies for the energy industry and which degrees of freedom they offer for real-time energy management and for effective climate protection. Within the framework of BayBatt, a battery management system is to be developed through the development of real-time CO2 pricing of the electricity in and from the battery storage as well as through flexible interaction with different energy markets in order to increase the economic efficiency of battery storage and the verifiability of electricity use.

Junior Principal Investigators

*Dr. Helen GrüningerHide
Helen Grüninger

The junior research group develops an in situ/operando NMR platform for systematic analyses of structural changes in different Li- and Na-battery materials and full battery cells due to ion transport during (dis-)charge. NMR spectroscopy allows to determine the local structure and phase composition of amorphous or crystalline phases, to characterize structural disorder, as well as local mobilities of the active ions in solid electrolytes, cathodes or anodes. The combined information on dynamics and structure then allows to correlate ion mobility in different battery components with transient structures and/or dimensionalities in electrode or solid electrolyte materials.

The junior research group is based at the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry III.

*Dr. Qingsong WangHide
Qingsong Wang

The junior research group focuses on the compositional design and performance optimization of cathode materials for lithium-ion and post-lithium-ion batteries. A deep understanding of the structure and reaction mechanisms, in particular through operando characterization using synchrotron facilities, is key to improving these materials. Promising approaches are high configurational entropy and anionic redox reactions.

The junior research group is based at the Chair of Inorganic Active Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage.

*These professorships and junior research groups are funded by the Hightech Agenda of the Free State of Bavaria.

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