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Research and Development Cooperation between the University of Bayreuth and Hilti


Akkubetriebene Geräte und interdisziplinäre Forschung zu Batteriespeichern – das sind die Schnittmengen von Hilti und BayBatt an der Universität Bayreuth.

The University of Bayreuth has become a strategic research partner of the Hilti Group from Liechtenstein. The cooperation, initially agreed upon until 2031, encompasses joint doctoral projects, scientific services, as well as commissioned and development research.

Battery-powered devices and interdisciplinary research on battery storage systems are the common grounds between Hilti and the BayBatt of the University of Bayreuth. (Photo: Hilti) University President Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible welcomes the cooperation, stating, "Universities are engaged in dialogue with society and industry because basic research is the foundation for innovations, and because research accompanying development reflects urgent economic questions back into academic research." He emphasizes, "Through such cooperations and the associated transfer, we contribute to economic success and sustainable jobs. The University of Bayreuth, with BayBatt located here, is not only a beacon in battery research; we are also pioneers in terms of interdisciplinary connected research and forward-looking educational
                                                                                 and research offerings," says Leible.

"We are convinced that innovation in battery technology is fostered through collaboration and exchange between academic fundamental research and industrial development," stresses Dr. Till Cramer, Head of Corporate Research & Technology at Hilti, adding, "We share the interest in the systematic research and development of future-oriented battery systems with the University of Bayreuth." In 2022, the company launched its groundbreaking battery platform "Nuron," which, with significantly enhanced performance levels and data-driven services, fundamentally simplifies work at construction sites and equipment park management. Further innovations are to be enabled through the engineering implementation of basic cell and battery research. "For this, the University of Bayreuth is exactly the right partner," says Cramer.

Read the complete press release from the University of Bayreuth here.

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