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Bavarian Center for Battery Technology (BayBatt)

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Networks & Social Media

BayBatt is represented in Social Media with a LinkedIn and an Instagram channel.

BayBatt is part of the following institutional networks:

ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e.V.

The competence initiative ENERGIEregion Nürnberg e.V. is the central network platform for the topic of energy and environment within the metropolitan region of Nuremberg.

Kompetenznetzwerk Lithium-Ionen-Batterien e.V.

In order to strengthen the competitiveness of Germany as a location for battery technology, industrial companies and application-oriented research institutes have joined forces to form the industry-based competence network lithium ion batteries (Kompetenznetzwerk Lithium-Ionen-Batterien (KLiB)).

University of Bayreuth                                                                                                                   

The members of BayBatt come from the faculties of ING (engineering), BCG (chemistry department), RW (business informatics department) and MPI (physics department) at the University of Bayreuth.

The BayBatt's interdisciplinary approach is made possible by the networking of research and teaching from physics and chemistry to materials science and engineering, computer science and economics.

Logo VDE

Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies 

 The VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies is one of the largest technology organizations in Europe and unites science, standardization, testing, certification and application consulting under one roof. In this way, it connects people, companies and institutions in order to promote key technologies and their applications in an interdisciplinary manner.


Logo des ZETCenter for Energy Technology

The analysis and coupling of the battery storage system within energy systems is also being carried out in close cooperation with the Center for Energy Technology. Professor Michael Danzer (Director of BayBatt) is involved as a project member in the ZET Reallabor
                                             Energiezukunft (real-world laboratory for the future of Energy) in Wunsiedel.

Webmaster: BayBatt Office

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