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New Henriette Herz-Scout at the University of Bayreuth


The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has appointed Bayreuth polymer researcher and BayBatt member Prof. Dr. Seema Agarwal as a science scout as part of the Henriette Herz Program. She can now recruit up to three junior researchers from abroad with renowned Humboldt Research Fellowships for polymer chemistry at the University of Bayreuth.

Over the next three years, the researcher will nominate three fellows for the University of Bayreuth. These fellows will contribute to cutting-edge research in polymer chemistry and further strengthen the University's position as a leader in innovation and excellence in polymer science. For their part, the scholarship holders themselves benefit from the expertise, networking, resources and facilities of the UBT.

The group of Prof. Seema Agarwal at the Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry II has expertise in polymer synthesis, the production and structuring of composites and processing methods. At BayBatt, separators based on high-temperature polymers are developed to achieve thermal and mechanical stability as well as good wettability. The ionic conductivity of the separator is achieved by using lithium ion conducting additives.

Learn more about the Henriette Herz-program and Prof. Agarwal's work in UBTaktuell.

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