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Bayreuth City Talk: "Battery or hydrogen? Solutions for our energy future"

02 April 2025, 6 pm
Iwalewahaus, Wölfelstr. 2, 95444 Bayreuth


A lecture by BayBatt member Prof. Dr Marie-Louise Arlt, Junior Professor of Information Systems Research, in particular on Connected Energy Stroage, and Prof. Dr Dieter Brüggemann, Chair of Engineering Thermodynamics and Transport Processes and Center for Energy Technology (ZET), as part of the Bayreuth City Talks and the TAO thematic year ‘Energy Future Upper Franconia’.

Wind and sun provide us with inexpensive and climate-friendly electricity - unfortunately not at the touch of a button, but with natural fluctuations over which we have no influence. We need to compensate for these fluctuations in order to be able to bridge phases of low energy supply, including the ‘dark doldrums’. To do this, we need energy storage - but what kind?

The obvious solution is to store temporary surplus electricity directly in batteries and discharge them again when required. However, the electricity can also be used to generate hydrogen, which can then be stored or transported until it is needed. But what is better, more efficient, cheaper and more sustainable? Intensive research into these and other solutions is being conducted at the Bavarian Centre for Battery Technology (BayBatt) and the Centre for Energy Technology (ZET) at the University of Bayreuth; concepts and developments are being turned into reality at the UBT Future Energy Lab Wunsiedel (FEL).

This city talk will not only present the advantages and disadvantages of storage concepts. They will also be discussed in the context of other questions: How are electricity markets developing? What economic framework conditions are important?
It's about the future of our energy supply - join the discussion!

Webmaster: Dr. Maike Brütting

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