1. BayBatt workshop retreat

Participants of the workshop retreat
A week ago, on October 17 and 18, 2024, the first BayBatt retreat took place at the Franken Akademie Schloss Schney (near Lichtenfels). All BayBatt members (professors and junior research group leaders), postdocs and doctoral students of the BayBatt Graduate School were invited.
50 people took part and discussed cross-cutting BayBatt topics such as the Master's degree programs and the acquisition of third-party funding. A poster session encouraged scientific exchange, in which the doctoral students were able to present their projects and the three best posters were chosen. In parallel sessions, the postdocs and professors discussed the strategic direction of the research center, while the doctoral students networked with each other and exchanged ideas on future events at the level of early career researchers.
The retreat was seen by the participants as an important impetus for future interdisciplinary cooperation at BayBatt. All participants are therefore aiming to hold this or similar formats for scientific and organizational exchange at BayBatt on a regular basis.